Featured Handmade Artist- JaneJoss

Hi! I am super excited to introduce you to this weeks Featured Handmade Artist- Alyssa from JaneJoss! Alyssa and Joslyn, the duo behind JaneJoss, create all of their floral stems, plants, and wreaths by hand. Their fabric leaves are really iconic, and easily recognizable. I don't think you'll find another artist who makes fabric leaves that look this wonderful.

Featured Handmade Artist- JaneJoss

Don't you just love them? Seriously, these are the best sorts of plants-- they don't need watering or sunlight. They look perfect all the time. Check out some of the rest of JaneJoss' plant life!
Featured Handmade Artist- JaneJoss

Hi! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Hi! We're Joslyn and Alyssa Krismer. We are former college roomates turned sisters-in-law (married to twins). We both live in Arlington, TX and have two kids each. We make branches, plants, and wreaths out of fabric leaves.

What is the first craft project you remember making?

That would have to be potholders made on a mini loom.

What is your inspiration behind your pieces?

Plants are a huge inspiration for us (obviously!). Now that we have our basic designs down, fabric and home decor trends are our biggest inspiration.

What is your most prized handmade possession?

The leaves I made from my great-grandmother's quilt. It had too many holes in it to be displayed in any other way. My mom thought her grandmother would love the finished product! I've also collected a few goodies from Etsy. I am a sucker for art prints.

What would your dream job be?

TV reviewer. So random but I have a weird love of all things television!

Can you please describe some of your creative process?

We like to start with a season or event in mind. It sets the tone for the fabric we want to find. I am extremely picky about my fabric choices and it can be frustrating at times. I spend hours looking for the perfect fabric and I know instantly when it's the right one.

What are some of the ways you promote your work?

We promote our work online through Etsy (http://www.janejoss.etsy.com) and Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/janejoss). Our work can also be found online via Chalkydoodles.com. We rent a space at The Shoppes of Brownstone Village in Arlington, TX and display our work at our local post office (it seemed like a place with good foot traffic!). We also get help from our rockin' Etsy Dallas Team.

What are three websites you couldn’t live without?

Etsy.com, Eonline.com, BHG.com

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

I would like spend my time creating in my super-cool loft space while my happy, successful, well-adjusted boys are at school. All the while maintaining a fantastically decorated and clean house. A girl can dream, right?

If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?

I would be able to manipulate time. It's my biggest enemy for many reasons, one of which is it goes by too fast!

Thank you so much Alyssa!!!

Please be sure to check out the other fabulous fabric leaf and plant creations from JaneJoss!
