car accidents and retail therapy...

094/365, originally uploaded by rottnapples.

so.. yeah, I had a rather rough weekend. Well, rough Saturday afternoon. It all started out innocently enough- I went to Dominick's to pick up some supplies for dinner. I happen to like the Dominick's in Park Ridge because they have the underground parking garage-- perfect for parking in inclement weather! (it was raining Saturday) I got my supplies, load up the car, I get in and back out of my know where this is going, don't you? Yeah, I ended up miscalculating my turn and backup ratio and ended up turning my car into a support beam.

My beautiful car, that is only 8 months old, now has a nasty and ugly dent in the front quarter panel. There will be no photos because I'm terribly embarrassed that I made such a stupid (and COSTLY) mistake. I have to take her in tomorrow morning to get her repaired.

So Sunday, to make myself feel better, I went to Blicks. I went in for just one thing-- all I needed was ONE large-ish canvas for a project. I walked out with a few canvases, some new brushes, a maple board that I'm going to experiment with and try to adhere photos to, adhesive for said experiment, a new sketchbook...I seriously can't spend less than $50 in that store.

I did learn some valuable lessons this weekend:
1. not to park in the underground parking garage at Dominick's anymore.
2. going to Blicks for retail therapy isn't the answer. I felt great until I walked out to my car and saw the dent. All those warm, fuzzy, I can't wait to paint feelings that I had in the store disintegrated as soon as I got back to my car.

Hopefully, she'll be better in a few days...