Featured Handmade Artist- OhMafelt

Hello! Hello!!! Are you ready for some cuteness? Great! I can't wait to introduce you to Sorcha, from OhMaFelt. Sorcha makes the cutest stuffed creations with custom dyed wool felt, and lots of love and imagination.

Featured Handmade Artist- OhMaFeltno rain, no rainbows by OhMa Felt

Featured Handmade Artist-OhMaFeltSee! I told you they were super cute!!! I'm totally loving the little party deer...

Hi Sorcha! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Hello! OhMa Felt is a small family run business operated from our home on the Central Coast of California. We purchase wool felt from a mill on the Eastern Coast, it comes to us an off white color and thin like most store bought felts. We cut it, dye it, re-felt it, and press it. Each sheet is handled about 12 different times till completely processed. The result is a studier fabric in a custom color palette which is designed to fit our products. I am a potter by trade, but found it difficult getting into the studio when my daughter was very young. Sewing and making dolls has been something that I have done all of my life, and became more of a focus during those early years of her childhood.

What is the first craft project you remember making?

I could not begin to recall the first craft project because making things has always been part of my life.

Where does your inspiration come from?

Everything, my child, my Grandmother. The interest in living a creative, art filled life.

Can you please describe some of your creative process?

I love routine so the normal route is to wake up early, make tea, check the computer, print orders and answer correspondence. Feed all the animals, and get the child off to school, a long walk with the dog, putz in the garden, then into the sewing room or the pottery shed. I like to work till school is over. The rest of the day is spent on family and household. I must always have something in my hands to work on, and have been know to bring sewing to parties.

What is your most prized handmade possession?

Just one?! A handmade Valentine from my husband given to me on our first Valentines Day, 27 years ago. My daughter's drawings, I know, but they are really quite superb. A quilt from my Grandmother.

If you could give one piece of advice to a new etsy seller, what would it be?

Read all of the How To information, that is an incredible resource. Take great photos.

What are some of the ways you promote your work?

We do a few shows a year, and will add more this year. I like to have fabulous postcards and stickers available, and hand out tons. Stores and publications have found us on Etsy. Word of mouth has worked wonderfully, that includes all of the fantastic treasuries on Etsy, thanks to all the curators!

What are three websites you couldn’t live without.

Etsy, Pandora, OhMa Felt(a shameless promotion, I know, but its my job!)

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Well, at 57 I would like to be surrounded by good books, good friends and family, and an amazing garden. Like now. And orders for plushies, because I do not plan to retire, ever.

If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?

The power to disperse balance, calmness and tolerance. Liberally.

Thank you so much Sorcha!!! It was a pleasure interviewing you and getting to check out your wonderful whimsical creations!!! http://www.etsy.com/shop/OhMafelt

If you would like to be featured on my blog in a Featured Artist series, or you would like to recommend an artist to me, please leave a comment or send me an email at aprilbern at gmail dot com. A few lovely folks contacted me last week and I'm in the process of scheduling them in! (so contact me! it makes my job a little easier ;) )

Thanks so much!!!