7 tips to help you take better photos of your kids with your cell phone

Hi! I wanted to share with you an article that I wrote for A Different Light Photography featuring some really easy tips to help you take better photographs with your cell phone! 

7 tips to help you take better photos with your cell phone

Originally posted on the A Different Light Photography blog....

These days everyone has a great camera in their pocket-- it's their cell phone! Most cell phones have cameras built in that are at least 7 or 8 megapixels. This means that you'll have fairly good quality images (this does depend somewhat on the manufacture of the cell phone.) We're not talking Pulitzer prize winning photos here-- we're talking about having a camera that's readily available so that you can capture those moments that are unfolding right before your eyes without lugging around a heavy DSLR and then not remembering if your settings are correct, or fumbling around for the point and shoot that's at the bottom of your bag that, oops, you forgot to charge. Yeah, I’ve done that (more times than I care to admit!).



Hope you find this helpful! <3


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