Taking Stock 05

This week has been a looooong week! It's the last full work week of the year. There are so many things I need to get and get done before Christmas! I'm so thankful we're not having Christmas at our house--man, I don't want the stress of trying to clean my house on top of everything else!

Taking Stock- weathered flowers

Making: plans for my shop for 2016
Cooking: chicken and dumpling soup.
Drinking: Panera coffee. Not my favorite, but it gets the job done.
Reading: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. So many people were loving this book, so I got it, but I'm not really a fan...
Wanting: to learn how to paint with watercolors
Looking: forward to the weekend.
Playing: Dj Spooky
Deciding: what cookies to make for our Christmas cookie exchange (important decisions over here)
Wishing: I was on vacation.
Enjoying: napping on the couch when I get home from work.
Waiting: for the last of my Christmas gifts to arrive.
Liking: having an unseasonably mild December!
Wondering:  how to create a clone of my self and have it sit at work.
Loving: the handmade soaps I bought from Pigeon River Soaps.
Considering: buying this class.
Buying: nothing that isn't grocery related. I need to go on a spending freeze until January!
Watching: Leftovers. It's been two seasons and I'm still not sure if I like this show...
Hoping: to sleep in tomorrow
Needing: a haircut.
Smelling: coffee
Wearing: the usual work attire: sweater, jeans, scarf, mittens.
Following: seanwes. Really really helpful/inspirational podcasts about entreprenuership.
Noticing: that i clench my teeth when I drive to work.
Knowing: not enough.
Thinking: about plans/projects for 2016.
Admiring: friends who decide they have had enough and leave their soul sucking jobs.
Sorting: though scraps of paper with my notes.
Getting: a little excited to see the star wars movie this weekend.
Bookmarking: 7 nifty online tools that will change the way you blog
Coveting: free time.
Disliking: my hour (and sometimes longer) commute to and from work.
Opening: Christmas card in the mail! Yay!
Feeling: a little envious of (and really happy for!) friends who decide they have had enough and leave their soul sucking jobs!
Snacking: too much!
Helping: my mom with her etsy shop. I'm re-editing her product titles and tags.
Hearing: a lot of chatter in the office.



I hope you had a good week. Do you do a "taking stock" sort of post too? I'd love if you posted a link in the comments section below!


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