
Hey friends! I want to let you know that I'm participating in #The100DayProject again this year! I'm telling you now so when you come over to my house and the dust bunnies are playing beer pong, the laundry and pizza boxes are piled up to the ceiling, and I leave social engagements early (or not go at all!) to go home and paint, you'll know why. Seriously though. I'm really excited about participating again this year. I learned sooooooo much during last years #The100DayProject. I learned how to show up when I didn't want to. I learned how to move past my own judgement and create. I learned stick-with-it-ness and completed a project even though it was really challenging and hard.

This year I will paint tiny 3"x3" canvas and try my best to complete a painting in a day. I hope this will help me let go of the need to overly work a painting and blend things to death, and to become a little more expressive and purposeful in my brushwork.



Here is my first painting for this project. Is it bad that I already contemplated quitting? I need to draw upon the lessons learned last year, huh? I believe that if I'm resisting and want to quit already, that I most certainly need to stick with this project and see it to completion. I obviously still have lessons I need to learn.

If you want more information about #The100DayProject and how you can participate (spoiler alert! You don't have to be an "artist") check out Elle Luna and her website:

I'd love it if you followed me and my project and leave me messages of encouragment and cheer me on. You can follow me on instagram where I will post my project every day: I also have a special hashtag so you can see all of this years pieces in one place: #100teenypaintings

You can find all my paintings from last years project here: #100daysofaprilabstracts


Are you participating this year? Let me know in the comment section below! I'd love to follow you and cheer you on!


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